Hi everyone! I know this is a bit of a long shot but this looks like the perfect place to ask for this. I'm currently working on my master's dissertation where I'm trying to understand how smartphones (and related technologies) are reshaping the festival attendee experience (so original am I right), and I have chosen the Sónar Festival as my case study. I was wondering if you could please answer my survey, it will take no more than 5 minutes! https://survey.napier.ac.uk/n/zz6eg.aspx The survey is open to everyone as long as you have attended at least one festival. If you have been to Sónar, it's even better. Sadly, I cannot promise you any rewards but my gratefulness! Also, please feel free to share any feedback, comment or any question you may have with me here, I would appreciate it a lot! submitted by /u/peolo96 [link] [comments] source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/hxlljh/festival_smartphone_related_technologies_a_survey/