Need Advice for Tons of Rock 2020 First-timer

I am going to Norway's Tons of Rock in 2020. This will be my first time in Norway metal fest (and in Norway as well). I'll be camping there.

  1. What are the basic dos and don'ts in Norway that I should know about?
  2. When setting up my tent, will I get access to electricity? Or electricity is only available in specific spots on the campsite?
  3. What kind of toilet/restroom/shower facility is there?
  4. There is no map (of the festival and camping areas) on the Tons of Rock website. Not yet at least. Will there be one usually?
  5. Am I allowed to bring my own medicine? Or will there be a clinic/medical center within the festival area in case of health issues?
submitted by /u/adley194
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