Jumping festivals. What’s the punishment if you get caught

Ok so before I get the usual “just buy a ticket” response I need to set it out, I can’t buy a ticket as the festival is 18+ and I turn 18 in literally 3 weeks (1 week after the festival) Due to this I’ve decided with a couple mates who aren’t 18 yet to jump, this may not be the smartest idea but this festival is worth it, the line up is one of the best to come to the area that I live in.

I’ve done research and really can’t seem to find what the penalty is if you get caught jumping, I’ve heard a lot of people say you just get kicked out and that’s it, but I feel like that is sort of hard to believe.

submitted by /u/Artqc
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/eehcs1/jumping_festivals_whats_the_punishment_if_you_get/


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