Does anybody here go to camping festivals without a car? How do you do it? Major anxiety over it

I’ve bought my ticket, I have the gear but no car and cannot rent one. I’ll be getting there through means of a shuttle curated by the festival. I pretty much have a 75L pack and a smaller back pack and what fits is what I take. So no canopy, most likely no folding chair, just the essentials.

I THINK I can do this, but it’s my first camping fest and I will be alone, my anxiety over it is making me consider bailing even though I want to go.

For most of the day I know I’ll be ok, but it’s those odd time where I’m tired and just want to chill, do I just go sit next to my tent under the hot sun?

Any tips you all may have is greatly appreciated

Okeechobee fest in Florida if anybody cares.

submitted by /u/alexiivonn
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