Need Beta Testers - Quadio - A Brand New Music Streaming Platform For College Artists/Listeners

Hey Music Lovers,

If you are in college and passionate about making or discovering new music, I have a really cool opportunity to offer. The NY-based music start-up I work for, Quadio, is in beta testing, and I have 100 invites to their hip, new platform. I'm looking for music-heads to give feedback on the user experience before it launches nationwide.

Quadio is sort of like Spotify, only it's just for college artists and listeners. You can see who in your school, state, region, and country is making cool music. For artists it's a golden opportunity to collaborate. For listeners, there is endless talent to discover -- maybe even hidden on your campus! Get in on the scoop before the national wave comes in early spring! It's going to be huge. My 100 slots are going fast!

Step 1:

Step 2: Use your school's .edu email to sign up for free!

Step 3: Use code "6r0ro4" to gain access.

Step 4: Make Music, Make Friends!

PM me with any questions or ideas!

submitted by /u/Spencer_Rex
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