How do I become a Successful Concert Promoter (I'm 16)

Hello, my name is Mat Benny, or you can just call me "benny" I don't care. Let me give you some background on myself, I'm a 16 year who runs and owns a multimedia journalism website ( and on this site I write articles on local bands and shows in the Underground Socal scene. Basically, besides the articles, I also do interviews (The biggest interview I did was with Mikey Williams) and promote/ organize shows, and I fell in in love with the idea of promoting concerts, not to sound lame and cheesy but I like to look at organizing shows as an art form and I really look up to the greats like Bill Graham and Micheal Lang. Basically I was wondering WHAT IT WOULD TAKE FOR ME TO BE A SUCCESSFUL PROMOTER IN THIS DAY AND AGE? Because one day I dream of organizing another Californa Jam (1974) or Isle of Wight (1970) shit even a generation-defining Festival like Woodstock. I really want to make a festival not only affordable (don't give a Damn if I lose money, it's FOR THE CULTURE!), but also a real-life changing Event!!

Because I don't want people to waste so much money, the show should be more important than the money, the feeling you get when you hear the music live is amazing. The promoter should be trying to capture that and not what in your wallets, and I understand the Music industry has lost a lot of money thanks to streaming, but there's always a way if you give a damn enough to find it and I sure asf would love too.

submitted by /u/matbennypromoter
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