EDC Las Vegas 2021: How optimistic are y'all feeling?

Hey all - Hoping you give me a temp check on all y'all's optimism about EDC Las Vegas happening next year. It'll be my first time (my friends are die-hards about it), but I'm honestly feeling pretty skeptical as a 4-year Burner that just had our fest canceled. Leadership for Burning Man is hesitant to even promise us that TTITD will be going in Aug. 2021 of next year, so I'm not feeling particularly optimistic for any large fest in the next year, but trying to decide if I should grab a ticket or not come sale time. Thanks!

submitted by /u/SunshineandStoke
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/g6vjhm/edc_las_vegas_2021_how_optimistic_are_yall_feeling/


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