Funny Story from Pre-Quarantine Times

In early March I attended a large SoCal music festival. I had recently bought a hot pink anime porn hoodie in Japan and had never had a chance to wear it, I seized the opportunity. I also wore ski goggles and a face mask. I am a large man and stuck out in the crowd to say the least, over the course of 2 days easily 100 strangers had something to say about this.

At one point my friends and I were in line for drinks and I saw someone eying me. From my experience in the corporate world I appraised this man to be a boss, floor being Senior VP of something at a Fortune 500 company, ceiling the f’n CEO. This guy was in his mid 40’s with ideal bone structure, fitness, and grooming and his crew looked similarly legit.

He made a move and came over, saying “so, is it mandatory to wear the ski goggles?” A really dumb question, my time to shine. I pulled the goggles up from my eyes to my forehead, intently stared him in the eyes, and said “of course not, what THE FUCK are you talking about?!”

He started uncontrollably laughing, hands on his knees bent over. He then took a 10’ lap walking, completely turned around, when he was finishing the lap he turned to face me, made eye contact, but continued open mouth laughing. I added “YO, I can tell you’re cooler than that, THE FUCK you doin?!”

He did the same thing, hands on knees, took another lap, but this time when he faced me he immediately said “crushing blow.” We both laughed and said hi for a few seconds at which point I was whisked off by my friends who had purchased drinks in the meantime.

One of my favorite random interactions of all time, use that line time to time.

submitted by /u/yachtskater
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