Realizing just how much festivals mean to me

Hey everyone. I was thinking earlier about how important festivals and live music are to me. They're what I look forward to the most every year and are where my closest friendships were formed. It doesn't matter if the lineup is primarily metal, reggae, hip-hop, electronic, or a bizarre combination—festivals always seem to bring out my best and allow me to meet the most wonderful people from around the world. I could be drunk, sober, or stoned and have the time of my life as I head back to my tent or hotel moments before sunrise.

I spend each winter/spring eagerly following dozens of festivals to watch line up after line up drop. When they're released, I compare them and start justifying the cost of a plane tickets. Now I'm watching as they understandably get cancelled one by one.

It’s going to feel like long time before we can get back to close crowds with thousands of people dancing, but when we do, I want a hug from all of you. I miss the community.

submitted by /u/HereForCatz
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