Significant others who do not attend 3 plus day festivals & SO who do attend: How do you keep an open mind and trust your SO when they go to festivals without you?

35/f here. Got into a tiff with my 31/m 6 mo boyfriend. I have attended for 3 years in a row & have never thought of inviting a SO to the festival. I go with a group of really close guy friends & I know the main argument is that my bf is not comfortable with me going with a bunch of dudes he doesn't know to do drugs and do a festival he has no knowledge about what goes on. My guy buds are my brothers and I don't want to break the group up but I do feel like I may need to out of respect for my BF. Advice if any, to meet eye to eye please and thank you

submitted by /u/arzcactusflwr85
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