3 months ago everybody was saying to 'listen to the officials' and to 'follow the official guidelines'. Well now that the guidelines are being followed and places reopening, why are there so many people hating on fall festival goers?

I'm specifically talking about Dancefestopia. For anybody who doesn't know, it is in Kansas. Kansas is a Democrat state, and has a female governor. Kansas has been even more proactive than Missouri regarding Covid.

Kansas has had a reopening plan which is being followed, and if all goes well there will be zero restrictions on gathering size, or events by Sept 10.

We followed the rules. We have been social distancing. We are following the reopening guidelines. We are wearing masks. We have been listening to the officials.

The officials said to stay home, we've stayed home. Up until now, people on here have been saying to listen to the officials, and we have. But now that the officials are saying events can happen again in Sept, all of a sudden everyone on here is an expert and they are suddenly acting like people shouldn't listen to the officials anymore.

Its hypocritical to act like that. So should we follow the officials? Or not? Pick one.

I'm really tired of getting shade for being excited about Dancefestopia. We are following the official plan, same as always.

I also wanna say that I have been back at the office for over a month now, and most other non-student adults that I know are back at work also. I am really starting to think that it is mostly the students who are the ones hating on people making plans this fall. You students have been having school from home and so you aren't realizing that the rest of the world has been slowly reopening and getting back to work and the new normal.

I also hate to break it to you, but covid is going to be around for at least 18 months, if not years.

Please, listen to the officials, and don't hate on people who do. And as of now the officials say Dancefestopia is a go. That could change. Until it does, don't be an asshole to people following guidelines and looking forward to a small bit of joy.

submitted by /u/fireandbass
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/hg8p8g/3_months_ago_everybody_was_saying_to_listen_to/


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