Sad, yet ambitious about a summer without festys.

Every single summer we get to experience a level of fun and joy that most people will never feel in their entire life. Every single summer we get together with the happiest, most caring, and most creative people on Earth and we create memories, friendships, and energies that last a life time. We are all changed because we’ve been to festivals. Yes it’s sad that we don’t get to feel that this summer, but just knowing that we HAVE experienced it, and more than likely will continue to experience it every summer for the rest of our lives is something to be excited about. And honestly, I think this is a sign from a higher power that we have some work to do as a society before we get to have endless fun again. As festival goers, I think it’s our responsibility to use this time away from festys to spread the festival spirit and love in the real world. Sometimes I feel myself day dreaming at work and counting down the day’s til we’re back at festivals feeling that feeling, but then I start to think, maybe this is a good opportunity to create some of that festival magic right here right now in the real world. Spread that love to the people who don’t go to festivals, show them what it’s like to live and laugh freely and be loved. We have something that a lot of people don’t have, or haven’t found yet, and that’s an overwhelming capacity for love, friendship, and joy. So let’s use that passion and spread it amongst our daily acquaintances and try to make the world a better place. And then next summer, we’re back getting litty like a titty as a unit. We got this y’all, it’ll be summer 2021 soon enough, but until then, let’s try to create some of that festival magic in our regular daily lives because the world definitely needs some of that right now. Much love ❤️

submitted by /u/puteminnacoffin
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