All festival goers please read!! I want to hear your take on socially distanced events.

To all you fellow festival goers out there, Today I received a email from a popular festival organiser call WE ARE FSTVL in the UK stating that, from septmeber every weekend they will hosting an event called WE ARE 500 which will be you and your mates in pods of 6 at a festival no mixing just you and your mates seperated in a pod from the rest of the party goers! Now what's your take on this socially distanced festivals? For me it's terrible and has taken the heart and soul out of the festival I loved meeting random strangers off my face and becoming besties for the day/night and I've actually made some life long friends i met at festivals. I want to hear everyone's take on this subject please. Good or bad.

submitted by /u/mattdonn99
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