If you're into your house music and miss festivals I'd recommend checking out RPAN tomorrow. We've organised an event to bring a ton of DJs together, playing back to back for Doctors Without Borders. Join us from 2pm EST for live music spanning 9hrs...plus another 4hrs for the afterparty! :)

If you're into your house music and miss festivals I'd recommend checking out RPAN tomorrow. We've organised an event to bring a ton of DJs together, playing back to back for Doctors Without Borders. Join us from 2pm EST for live music spanning 9hrs...plus another 4hrs for the afterparty! :) submitted by /u/RPANTodayLand
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/k1jdla/if_youre_into_your_house_music_and_miss_festivals/


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