What’s security like at Leeds/Reading?

Don’t want to buy tickets as too expensive so thinking about sneaking in. Had a few Qs:

What’s the security like and how do they check uve paid?

Is it possible to make a fake wristband/ticket or is it all digital barcodes, and do they check everyone going thru?

If so, any good ways to disguise urself getting in? Like litter picker, security, medic etc? Can buy cheap hi-vizes online with custom writing, would that work, could make up a armband ID badge as well

Also how easy is it to jump the fence?

Haven’t been there b4. Pls don’t comment saying ‘why don’t u pay’ I don’t have much money and they make so much profit anyway I don’t feel bad.


submitted by /u/raveboi11
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/ltd1iz/whats_security_like_at_leedsreading/


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