Going to a festival but not familiar with any of the lineup

I've recently got it into my head that I wanna go to a festival. I've got vacation time to burn and going on a semi-local vacation to the beach or a lake isn't really what I need right now. I wanna do something different than the norm and have a new experience.

Only thing giving me a bit of pause is that I don't really listen to specific artists very often. I listen to a lot of independent radio of various genres and rarely listen to the same song more than once. So while a few names in the festival lineups are familiar, I couldn't name any of their songs and there's definitely nobody I feel like I need to see.

I'm thinking this isn't that big of a deal since the festival I'd probably go to is one that's focused around different types of EDM. It's not like the kind of show where everyone in the crowd knows all the words to every song. Also, the festival isn't that pricey, especially compared to renting a place near the beach. It's not too long of a drive either.

I'm thinking fuck it. Why not? Right?

Anyone else buy a ticket and spend the weeks leading up to the event listening to the whole lineup on repeat to get familiar with the artists?

submitted by /u/jxj
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/o9n8er/going_to_a_festival_but_not_familiar_with_any_of/


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