Rideshare to Peach from PhIladelphia?

Hello 🤗

My friend’s flying in from Denver on Thursday morning, and hoping to kick someone gas money for a ride up to the 🍑

He’s chill and traveling with just a backpack. He arrives at PHL at 9:51am but would find something to do if you leave later in the day, and could take an Uber to meet you if you’d rather not make an extra stop.

I’ll throw in something cool for anyone who saves me having to leave the festival for hours to pick him up 🌸🙏

(He’s not creepy or weird; I’m a pretty single woman and I wouldn’t vouch if he were 😂)

submitted by /u/cawildfire
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/o7xb4w/rideshare_to_peach_from_philadelphia/


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