Festivals in the USA specifically for calm electronic music/chillout/acid jazz/space music?

So I live in Virginia but would drive to any sort of event knowing it was this kind of music

I know its a bit anti thetical to what many consider a festival experience but I am getting to my older 20s and find i want a more relaxed and sonically soothing atmosphere. Im curious if there are specifically(for lack of a better term) ambient music festivals?

Some bands I guess I would cite off the top to use as examples:

Emeralds (although they arent together anymore)

Steve Roach

HUVA Network

It doesnt have to be ENTIRELY ambient & space music but just focused on that kind of thing specifically.

Thanks again!

submitted by /u/GalacticEarthling
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/os1jaq/festivals_in_the_usa_specifically_for_calm/


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