how to get enough sleep at festivals? and survive having no energy?

I'm going to my first ever festival soon, that I have also volunteered to work at. two of my shifts start at 5:30AM and I am.... very worried, lol. I am NOT an early riser, I usually wake up at 9-10pm and I have to get 9 hours of sleep or I'm very tired and dozey throughout the day.

so if I waking up at 5am, I'll have to go to sleep around 9pm ish, obviously while music is still playing. any tips on how to do this? I'll bring earplugs and an eye mask, I was thinking sleeping pills?

no doubt I'll still be tired the next morning, as waking up before 7am makes me feel really groggy. any tips here too? caffiene pills? would they work that well? how strong/many should I take?

I genuinely am really worried about my enegery levels during this festival lol. I don't wanna come back after my shift and just nap through all the music

submitted by /u/mushleap
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