Railbird Festival appears like it's a disaster right now in Lexington, KY

Searched @RailbirdFest on Twitter, and the mentions are very unkind. People are reporting 30-minute waits for water at the hydration stations and an hour+ wait at the bar, and it's blazing hot there today. Also at least an hour wait to even enter the festival, along with delays for their shuttle service.

They also had a very tone deaf post on Facebook not too long ago, reminding people to stay hydrated, despite knowing how horrendous their lines are.

The lineup for Railbird got rave reviews, with Dave Matthews Band and My Morning Jacket headlining, but logistically it seems like a disaster.

submitted by /u/mstun3107
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/pdjc6u/railbird_festival_appears_like_its_a_disaster/


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