Still need lodging and/or a ride to and from EDC Orlando? We Can Fix That.

TL;DR - Weekend Shuttle: $110 round trip, per person. Hotel + Shuttle: As low as $295 per person. Best deal you're gonna find. Click Here to Grab Your Packages... Shuttle+Hotel packages, not the other kind.

Last time we were in Orlando this year for Forbidden Kingdom, (which was pretty fire... When it wasn't Hell-calibre levels of HOT AND HUMID - but it's to be expected in the peak of summer in Florida) we discovered... an opportunity.

Know the worst part about that weekend though? Seeing attendees walking back to their hotels... At 1:30am... When the festival ended at 11PM because they couldn't catch a ride. Ride-sharing was terrible, and unreliable, and expensive at best (like it was still $85+ for an uberX at 1am) - and that's why we booked a charter bus that got over 100 people home safely and quickly, plus we also made a stop to the Vanguard for those who wanted to keep partying. Point is, we're doing it again, but better, and with a brand new hotel that just opened this year in a prime location.

Click this to see more details, and tell your friends if you're going! Even if you're not going, tell your friends... And your enemies. Hell even your crazy ex that smells like mothballs, we don't care, just get the word out since we're new and want to let people know that we exist!

submitted by /u/RAVERANGERS
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