Thoughts on or experiences using a She Wee at a festival?

Got a She Wee a while back when all bathrooms were closed worldwide due to covid lol, I also thought it would come in handy for camping and festivals.

I brought it with me to a day festival that I went to a few weeks ago and wound up chickening out! There as a LONG queue for the portas but men were just dotting in and out of a stand and pee only section. My friends were encouraging me to just go for it but I got scared because there was no sign of any other female doing the same thing! It definitely would have been a spectacle and I wasn't up for that. Disappointed that I didn't just go for it honestly.

So I have another festival coming up this weekend that's multi-day and camping. I've been to this one before and the bathroom situation usually gets pretty bad towards the end. A lot of guys just go over to the edge of the campsites or portas and do their business. If I'm ever going to use it, it's going to be now.

Has anyone else tried using one of these at an event? Were people freaked out? How do you do it discreetly in a tent-city kind of setup where there really isn't any privacy!

submitted by /u/Free_Pin
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