Some advice from a festival veteran for newbies.

After seeing the struggles people had at Lost Lands, here are some tips from a festival/rave veteran for your next festival if you are a noobie.

  1. Get yourself a fanny pack/ satchel bag to keep your wallet, phone, and valuables in. It is much harder to pickpocket a zipped bag that is hanging on your chest/front.

  2. Keep an eye on the weather when you are heading to the festival. If there is a chance of heavy rain, make a backup plan incase you cant get in.

  3. Bring your own party favors to the festival. Festival dealers are hit or miss, sometimes they have good shit and sometimes they have dangerous shit. It is better to not leave this up to chance. If you do get drugs in a festival, always test it. Bunk Police and Dance Safe are usually at bigger fests and they will test your drugs. If they aren't then invest in a test kit and learn how to use it.

  4. If you are going to take drugs, take them in small increments, you can always take more but you can never take less. This will save you a trip to the med tent or potentially your life. If you plan on taking a drug you have never taken before, research it before the fest. is a good source of information.

  5. If you are going with a group but you want to split up, set up designated meeting spots and times so you don't have to worry about the lack of phone service.

  6. If you are going in a group and want a reliable form of communication, invest in walkie talkies. They can be super helpful for communication when the cell service is overwhelmed.

  7. Make sure you take frequent breaks, drink plenty of water, and bring snacks. You will be able to enjoy yourself for longer.

  8. Bring lots of socks, wet feet at a festival suck and can ruin the whole experience.

  9. Pack for all weather conditions. You don't want to assume it is going to be warm the whole time, because if it gets cold and you don't have any warm clothing, you will have a bad time. In addition to clothes, bring bedding for all conditions. Also bring extra bedding you can keep in your car/dry bag incase your tent gets flooded and you need to change out your wet blankets with dry ones.

  10. Bring multivitamins and pedialyte. Take the vitamins before going to sleep and drink the pedialyte when you wake up. This will mitigate post festival blues and hangovers.

  11. Stretch before you head out for the day. Festivals are a high impact athletic activity and you should treat it like a work out. Stretching will stop you from injuring yourself while dancing.

  12. Bring extra gum, rolling papers, cigs, snacks, glow sticks, or small toys. Having small gifts to give people or help people out with is a great way to make new friends and spread good vibes.

  13. Always keep an eye out for people. If you see someone you might think is in trouble don't be afraid to help or ask them if they are ok. You might just save someone's life.

  14. Be as polite as possible and try to help everyone around you have as much fun as possible. You will have a more enjoyable experience if you do this guaranteed.

submitted by /u/Catmand0
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