Departure versus Zamna

For the new year I was planning on gifting my bf with tickets to Zamna Festival in Tulum, but from what I’m reading online it sounds like even locals to Mexico are hesitant to go to Tulum due to crime and a few tourists were recently caught in a crossfire there. I know these things can happen anywhere but if the locals consider the city dangerous then I feel like we may be smart to avoid it.

In researching I also found departure as an alternative which is in PDC. This is close by and still an area that sees crime but if we stick to venues and hotels with security it sounds like we will be a bit safer than going to a jungle festival in Tulum. I’m sad because Tulum is so beautiful and their parties look fun but not only am I apprehensive due to safety but also based on what I’ve been reading about how they upcharge tourists outrageously (like $35 for one drink at some places).

Any advice from folks who have attended either festival or at least been to either area lately would be much appreciated! Also, if you have other festival recos near New Years Eve that could help, as well! Or even just dope clubs that celebrate NYE with great music.

submitted by /u/20somethingmodel
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