What’s the best festival for someone who wants more than just music?

So by more than just music I mean atmosphere, the opportunity to meet women, make friends, the decorations, being able to just socialize without having to know everything about the artists and have multiple stages of somewhat different genres.

I’ve only gone to coachella which I loved and dreamstate two times. Dreamstate I found I just didn’t vibe with anyone, I don’t like my current group cuz I gotta walk on eggshells around them. I used to like trance music but I’ve got shit for going for other reasons besides JUST the music. Music is great but I need socializing, I like the idea I can go somewhere and potentially meet my rave bae or even new friends who won’t judge me if I do wanna maybe meet a girl or don’t know every DJ ever.

submitted by /u/Kapitaczec
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/qdqo5s/whats_the_best_festival_for_someone_who_wants/


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