Going to a festival alone

Hello to everyone. I just booked my tickets for All Points East festival 26 August. Here's the thing though. I have never been to London, I will be travelling alone from Greece (no friends interested) and also never been to a concert alone before. I'm super excited in the prospect of travelling and exploring (and kind of proud for taking this super-impulsive, 0 contemplated decision)but also open to suggestions. Do you have any general tips about going to a festival alone and also maybe some tips about the venue (like how many stages there are / sound / access to Victoria Park / how to get close to the stage with a Tier 4 ticket lol)? Cu there https://media.giphy.com/media/VGG8UY1nEl66Y/giphy.gif

submitted by /u/ExternalPin203
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/r3a32n/going_to_a_festival_alone/


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