How can I find a reliable person that can go to a festival with me?

There's a NYE rave festival in my home state on Dec 30th-31st. I'm in college and I really want to go and this is my first rave. I asked pretty much all my close friends but they either already have plans for new years, they are not ravers or aren't willing to spend so much money for a festival. So at this point, I'm asking acquaintances but I just feel like a burden because I haven't spent so much time with them.

I already spent money on it and I spent money because I really want to go and I'm starting to regret doing that because as of right now, I have no one to go with. It's not until 5-6 weeks but it's giving me anxiety and I would hate to spend so much money on a festival and end up not having anyone to go with it. So does anyone have advice on how can find reliable ravers that can go with me? Any advice is appreciated.

submitted by /u/Gullible-Gas939
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