What's the most rogue thing you've ever seen/ heard of at a festival/rave ?

The one thing that comes to mind for me is these two brothers at this festival i attended who both took LSD. One of the brothers ended up having some sort of mental breakdown and bit the others ear off.

Another thing my friend saw was at this rave out bush where everyone was inhaling NOS and dancing round a big fire-pit. Some idiot decided to throw an unopened nang into it which subsequently exploded. A piece of shrapnel flew out and lodged into this dudes face taking out his eye (who happened to be on LSD). My friend said they took him to the med tent where he was patched up and given morphine but still wanted to keep partying as he was mid trip and there were no helicopter evacuations available. My mate said he saw the dude dancing round the fire with a bloody bandage. I can't imagine the hangover.

Anyway that's my 2 cents, what are yours ?

submitted by /u/WoodPanelledInterior
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/qyseb1/whats_the_most_rogue_thing_youve_ever_seen_heard/


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