Cruise Ship Festivals

So I am super intrigued by festivals like Groove Cruise and Friendship. The amenities and overall experience look incredible, plus the chance to rub elbows with artists who are staying on the ship. Sounds amazing. HOWEVER…I have never been on a ship that large and am low key a little afraid at the idea of sailing into open ocean/out of view of land. Sure it may be somewhat irrational but it is what it is.

Just wondering if there is anyone in here who gets where I’m coming from and has done this type of fest anyway, what was your experience like? Were you able to put it out of your mind pretty easily and party down?

The thing is I really want to try one out but I’m nervous that I’ll have a shit time because I’ll be anxious.

Also any general thoughts on this type of festival are welcome! TYIA <3

submitted by /u/aStonedTargaryen
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