My boyfriend feels uncomfortable with me going to festivals… need advice

So my boyfriend of two years who I started dating around the pandemic gets upset and uncomfortable when I go to festivals or concerts and usually ends up with some type of fight or argument while i’m out.

He has expressed to me how he’s not interested in going to them with me because he has anxiety problems and he doesn’t think he would enjoy a long three day festival like I do.

I’ve been going to festivals and concerts since before him and I dated and some of the festivals I booked were postponed until after covid and i booked when before we started dating.

We normally have talks before I go where I do everything I can to reassure him and make him feel comfortable but still usually there is some sort of argument or tension when i’m there and i feel like i can never fully enjoy myself until i out my phone away.

His main issue is that in the past at the beginning of our relationship I would be really bad at texting back if i was with my friends and i didn’t really understand until he explained it to me. so i made it an effort to check in with him, send him pics, call him, etc when i’m out at festivals because it’s important to me that he’s comfortable and happy. i also don’t do drugs, barely smoke weed and drink. i normally remain pretty sober for the most part. and i’ve never expressed to him hooking up with guys at festivals or anything like that.

i’ve never cheated on him but at the beginning of our relationship he cheated on me which we broke up for for a little and decided to move on. sometimes i think his old actions control his feelings about me going to festivals because he thinks i am going to do the same which i never have and never will.

I know a lot of people go through similar things so i wanted some advice on how to approach him about the next festival i want to go to (Coachella) because i already have my tickets and my whole friend group is going. this is an experience i don’t want to miss out on but it gives me anxiety being so far Away from him and him being uncomfortable.

please don’t give advice like “break up” because i live with him and love him so i’m not doing that.

also, he usually does give me my space when i’m out at festivals and tries not to get mad but i always feel like i’m walking on egg shells

any advice on how to talk to him about my next festival ?

submitted by /u/littlefrogsz
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