[Volunteer] Arts and Music Festival Looking for Informed Volunteers to Operate Drug Safety/Info Space in

Hello fellow festival lovers,

A 6-day, arts and music festival located in Europe is looking for volunteers to participate in the operation of the festival’s harm reduction Space. This project aims at risk minimisation and drug health&safety by sharing information and caring tripsitting and awareness.

The opportunity:

· Be part of an exciting initiative aiming to reduce risks connected to drug use at a popular arts and music festival.

· Educate festivalgoers on the risks and safe practices of recreational drug use. This includes advising that the safest way to take drugs is not to take them at all (https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/dec/08/testing-drugs-festivals-lifesaver-study).

· Assist festivalgoers at The Space who experience intense and challenging drug experiences to recover in a supportive setting (full group-training provided).

· Act objectively without personal bias, opinion, or political views. We are not an advocacy organisation and work together with other stakeholders at the festival to ensure the best possible experience for all attendants.

What we are looking for:

· Mandatory: Interest/experience in drug harm reduction/trip sitting/ risk minimisation, research and/or understanding of the effects of psychoactive substances

· Preferred: Completed or due to complete at least an undergraduate degree in pharmacy, medicine, chemistry or related behavioural sciences.

· Competent in English speaking and listening skills

· Comfortable with advising and dealing with others in an empathetic, non-judgemental manner

· Ability to work as part of a team while being able to think and problem-solve on your feet.

· Able to attend an arts and music festival in South-West Europe showcasing underground electronic talents in mid-August 2022. Volunteers are required to work 3 shifts of 6 hours and provided with access to the festival's music, camping sites (i.e. accommodation), pre-agreed food, and drink. Travel costs are not included.

Depending on your availability you can help us before, during and/or after the festival. We count on at least 5 days of availability for help.

° Build-up: August 10th - 16th (very very latest arrival date August 16th)

° During: August 17th – 22nd (Preferable volunteer period)

How to apply:

In a few sentences, message me and tell us about yourself, your background and why you are interested in contributing to this project.

Shortlisted applicants will be asked to meet via video-meet regarding this opportunity. Full interactive pre-festival and during festival training and development will be provided.

About us:

We are a well-organised group focussing on highlighting arts and music in an idyllic, festival space in Europe. The festival is a result of the vision and communal effort to facilitate uniqueness and diversity in a sustainable manner. The Space is one program that helps us continue building this experience and the festival site with drug education/safety awareness. Volunteering is an essential component that makes the festival community what it is, and we are always open to new people, ideas and know-how. All contributors at this festival are volunteers.

submitted by /u/ciaranfitzpatrick
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/sgc2z0/volunteer_arts_and_music_festival_looking_for/


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