🚨 Save The Date 🚨 No Stigma No Shame Festival: May 21st, 12-8PM at Cesar Chavez Park in Sacramento. Free admission. Join Anti Police-Terror Project, Mental Health First Sacramento & Oakland , & @CRC4SDD for a day of healing and connecting with music and community at the center!

🚨 Save The Date 🚨 No Stigma No Shame Festival: May 21st, 12-8PM at Cesar Chavez Park in Sacramento. Free admission. Join Anti Police-Terror Project, Mental Health First Sacramento & Oakland , & @CRC4SDD for a day of healing and connecting with music and community at the center! submitted by /u/theworkeragency
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/u83728/save_the_date_no_stigma_no_shame_festival_may/


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