wanted to shout out an awesome lesser known festival! Its calldd Pyro, held in central/southern Ohio 2-4 times a year!

It's a great fest.


■ First and most important to many. Pyro - Music wise

□ It has a great variety. I'll name a few genres.

□lots of reggae, reggae jambands and this sorta reggae wirh a little synth mixed in hard to explain but that's less common.

□ folk music, very hippie-ish folk. Like ladies singing with 2 acoustic guitars about the earth and love and all that stuff. Etc.

□ Your regular old jam bands. No famous ones but a lot of the time filler bands are either reggae or jam bands.

□ And last, but not definitely not least (causen idk them all ha), EDM. It's a very party friendly festival so the EDM I believe is mostly psytrance types. Basically stuff you'd enjoy tripping too.


■ Festivities

□ Fiestly, FIRE! Like the name says. Lots of bonfires and such.

□ Fire dancers. Lots of pro fire dancers, but also lots of non-pro flow toy users hahaha. They're fun to play with tho ngl, so I can't say much haha.

□multiple Pre-built wooden structures festival goers are encourages to draw on, write on, decorate, and leave things at.

□ one really big, central,, wooden structure (it's like a mini burning man I'm ngl lol)

□last day they all get lit up!. It's called "Pyro spring phoenix rising" for a reason lol. We burn all the stuff we drew and wrote and built and left in the structures, then you can restart with a fresh slate. Like a phoenix bursting then rising from the ashes!. Not a big fan of theatrics like that myself (the being "reborn" part. Bonfires are kick ass tho lol. I mostly just like the partying and music but mostly it's the super kind/accepting/friendly and inviting people in this festivals community.


■ Non-fire festivities

□ Aside from the fire stuff there's tons of tents. A big screen area for people struggling psychedelically.

□ A BAD trip tent for those who are more than just struggling lol.

□ There is an "unofficial" guided DMT trip tent.

.□ Lots of vendor people selling all sorts of cool stuff. Shirts, posters, stickers. And a tonnnnn of homemade Drawings, painting, jewelry and whatever elseyou can think of. You can also find anything you're looking for if ya catch my very subtle and discreet comment stating the wide availability of drugs throughout the campgrounds drift 😉


■ Then there is just all the other great stuff about your average jamband music camping fest.

■ There is usually a small crowd (big crowd cause it's a festival but small. Not super sponsored and commercialized snd overcrowded like roo/lolla/coach.i like that's it small but with a bigger crowd I think it could get better.

■ Tickets for the 22nd-24th fest are still up and they're like $80-$90 or something if anyone's interested.

■ 3 hours west of Pittsburgh, 2.5 hours east of Cincinnati, 2.5 southwest of cleveland, 1.5 hours south-east of columbu, 4hr southeast of Indianapolis 4hr northeast louisvillle. Lexington is in between those but not sure how many people on their would see this.

Last note. I'm not affiliated with the fest at all, but they just suddenly moved the festival site 1 week ago so between thening having less time to set up and the site being 2 hours south of the previous spot this one may end up with fewer people due to cancelations and whatnot and a fest this good should be enjoyed by as many as possible! Plus the people working on it put a Lotta time and effort into it and would be shame if this last minute move messes it up!

.........Also I'm gonna have Hella cool stickers and t shirts and glow sticks toys and bracelets and necklaces and posters and my own drawings and some pyrography art and stuff too so maybe stop by and hmu hahahaba.

submitted by /u/Lysurgik27
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/u5zmq3/wanted_to_shout_out_an_awesome_lesser_known/


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