Ways to find festival/rave buddies?

My friend and I went to Forbidden Kingdom for just Friday and had the time of my life. It was my first festival and I enjoyed every set, the vibe, and everything. I really want to start going to more and traveling is out of the question for now so I have to stick to FL festivals. I know EDC Orlando is coming up soon and I'd love to go for all 3 days, I'd like to have someone to go with and split a bnb or hotel with, and I have moderate anxiety in large gatherings. Unfortunately, most of the friends I have, aren't really into that music and don't want to spend the money for a festival they won't enjoy, understandable. I was just curious how you guys find people who group up and just go, or should I just say F*** it! And go by myself and manage my anxiety? I would like to buy everything soon so it doesn't go up in price. Thanks yall! 😎

submitted by /u/silentshredderr
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/uquyhv/ways_to_find_festivalrave_buddies/


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