Any insight on taking psychedelics two days in a row for a festival? Trying to figure out best pairings and factoring in harm reduction practices

I'm going to a two-day electronic music festival in September. The line up is going to really good so I'd like to do psychedelics two days in a row and just dance and be nice to people while being mindful of my consumption habits and practice harm reduction. I've only done one-day music events where I either single dose candyflip for a festival, or I do 2CB or K for weeknight concerts or at night clubs. My plan for this festival is to candyflip either the Saturday or Sunday, but I have no idea what intoxicant to take for the other day. Related story: there was one weekend when I did a tab of LSD, then the next day I did 30mg of 2CB. I barely felt the 2CB other than the side effects. A friend of mine said it's generally not recommended to take LSD and 2CB within such a short timespan of each other, so I guess that's why I'm here asking for insight, including personal experiences and constructive criticism.

My background: been doing psychs and dissociatives for eight years now. I space out MDMA every 3-4 months and each roll I take one dose and at most one up with half a dose. LSD every couple months, usually half or a whole tab. K twice a year (have to be careful w/ it because it causes bladder issues). Shrooms 2-3 times a year, but only Lemon Tek because my digestive system likes to revolt against psilocybin otherwise.

Been referring to this Tripsit chart. I'm thinking of Lemon Tekking and doing 2CB on the other day but I don't if it should be the day before or after my candyflip day.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/dxdt
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