Anyone else ever struggled with being on different wavelengths with their festival buddy?

So I don’t have a “crew” like so many people seem to; it’s just me and my fiancé. We just got back from our first festival (Sonic Bloom) and had an amazing time; already thinking about going back next year!

We had so much fun in the campgrounds, wandering around, checking out the art, doing some of the yoga and workshops, lots of hammocking, and dancing so I feel bad for being a little disappointed - I really thrive off of being in the crowd and catching lots of sets, whereas my fiancé wants to hit maybe one or two sets a day and mostly stay in the back.

The one non-negotiable for me was being in a good spot for Tipper and I got that, but apparently the crowd was too much for him and he was miserable to whole time so it really retroactively tainted my experience.

If we had a bigger crew maybe we’d be more okay with occasionally splitting up, but since it was just us he wasn’t comfortable leaving me in crowds by myself or anything like that.

Not sure what I’m necessarily getting at…just really regretting missing a few sets I was looking forward to, and spending some more time sitting than dancing than I’d like.

We both loved the vibe and would like to do it again, and we did try to compromise a bit, I just wish I could focus more on all the good parts without some of these regrets.

Anyone else ever feel this way?

submitted by /u/Familiar_Opposite866
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