Festivals with a long-term illness. Is it doable?

Hello hello,

I’m looking to go to a 3-day festival in the summer. But I’ve got ME/CFS, and I am worried it’ll be too much and I’ll either a) burn out on my first day or b) cause a months-long crash.

I’ve not been to a festival before, let alone since being ill!

If you deal with any long-term illnesses or disabilities, I’d be so grateful for any advice or tips for survival and having a good time!

Function wise, I work full-time and can walk for about half hour. I crash about once every three weeks and it lasts 2-3 days.

Thank you so much!


submitted by /u/JGUN24
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/vhnwzl/festivals_with_a_longterm_illness_is_it_doable/


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