I got Scammed.

My own stupid fault. I wanted these tickets so bad that I let myself be vulnerable. I wanted to make you all aware of reddit user ulfric_stormcloack and to not do any business with them.

What happened:

I missed out on tickets for the Dr. Banana boat party at Dimensions 2022 so I posted in the pinned ticket post looking for 2 tickets. He hit me up and we agreed to 2 tickets for $65. He requested Zelle. This is where I messed up. Never send Zelle to someone you don't know - learned a lesson here. After I sent he was like "I thought you wanted 2?" That's when I knew I had F'd up. We were very clear I wanted two tickets. - Anyway he was like I can't see 2 for $65. SO I told him to send my Money back and He has now completely ghosted me. --- I know part of this is my own fault and I learned a $65 lesson. But wanted to spread the word so he doesn't get other people. Thanks.

submitted by /u/kordfilkin
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/w0q9pk/i_got_scammed/


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