What’s up with people being so negative about festivals nowadays?

For example, I went to lib this year and it was such a fantastic experience for me. Only to hear such negative things about it on social media such as, “this festival is going to shit, it will never be like it use to” it’s very saddening to see people of this community talk down on something that is suppose to bring joy and bring people together. I just bought tickets to dirtybird and I’m so excited. I joined the subreddit and saw so many people complain about how it’s becoming too mainstream and the music is not as creative as it use to be. Cmon people!! Sounds like you don’t even like going to music events at all!! Stay home then let people enjoy things!! (Sorry for grammar I just needed to ramble)

submitted by /u/xmxmdkvigm
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/w5pke6/whats_up_with_people_being_so_negative_about/


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