Cellphones and finding friends. Do you have this problem?

I have a couple of problems with festivals as they are today.

My first issue is cellphones. I, of course, acknowledge that we live in a modern world and they are a necessity of that world. However, one of the main reasons I love going to festivals is to escape from regular life and the things that tether me to it. Cellphones are one of these things. I find that too many people on their phones recording is distracting from the experience. I find that having to check my phone to try and get my friend's location pulls me out of the moment. Sometimes the cellphone wont even have service at the festival due to overloading of the network but I'm still checking it!

My second issue is being able to find my friends. This ties in with the cellphone issue since the only ways to find your friends after getting lost are to try and coordinate via text or setup some meetup point and time. Both of these are not ideal as there is a lot of coordination involved, waiting at meeting points, etc. You get pulled out of the experience doing this.

I want to spend some time developing a device that will help you find your friends at the festival (that doesn't need a cellphone to work), and will actually contribute to your festival experience instead of taking away from it. If this is something you might be interested in, I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on what might be valuable to you in a device like this. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Competitive-Soil4438
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/xjoco7/cellphones_and_finding_friends_do_you_have_this/


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