Is this common? Almost got into deep shit at recent fest

On the way over to the fest my crew made friends with a fellow fest goer, he befriended us and even bought us shots on the way over. Seemed to be a nice guy. But once we got to the security line they searched my Fanny pack which had gum and earplugs. They pull out a baggy with drugs I’ve never seen before. No one in my crew had these kindve pills Immediately we confronted the new guy and he pretty much flat out admitted to it and started acting super different. It all turned out ok bc I kinda zipped up my bag and booked it.

Has this happened to someone before? It’s really shaken up my trust in those random connections I like making at fests.

TLDR: guy my crew befriended used me as a drug mule.

submitted by /u/ThinkingAbe
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