Taking my 72 Year Old Father to his first festival

Hi EDC Orlando Reddit community!

I’m trying to give my dad the best trip of his life. He’s had a terrible last couple of years, in terms of bad luck, a shitty fall (that he’s recovering from, luckily), and coping with getting older in general. while his body may be aging, he’s 25 at heart. He’s given me everything in life, and I want to show him the best time of his life. I’ve been to about 10 festivals in my lifetime and a ton of raves, and he’s always expressed wanting to be a part of something like this, and this year, I want to make that happen. He even enjoys my music, so I know he’d have a blast!

My question is, would EDCO be a good festival as far as ADA accommodation? We’re going to get VIP passes so he can have a place to chill with less crowds and still be near the stages. I know he loves the look of Electric Forest, but from personal experience there, it may be too spread out and I don’t want him to have a tough time getting between stages. I figured EDCO would be a little more condensed, but as a result I worry about thicker crowds. Plus, there’s no camping, which is good because I would prefer him going to sleep in a comfy bed versus an air mattress. Also, I’ve never been to EDCO, so what’s the best plan for hotels and travel to/from the fest?

ANY advice is welcome! What could I do to give him the easiest and most comfortable and most fun time? He’s no prude, that man will probably roll and have a trip with me and laugh his butt off, I just want him to wake up the next day in the least amount of discomfort possible. Also, if there’s a festival we should consider instead, let me know! We’re from SC, so I was looking to keep it around here, but I’d go anywhere to make this a perfect festival trip for him.

Thanks so much!

submitted by /u/PoliteBoat
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/zw3w4f/taking_my_72_year_old_father_to_his_first_festival/


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