What festival would you recommend for a seasoned edm head and their jam band loving dad?

select for:

  1. chill vibes - dr00g use is fine but nothing that would cross over into alarming, concerning, or alienating behavior for a more sheltered boomer type (who is open minded, but might be overwhelmed if there's a lot of degen behavior)
  2. a place where the elder boomer parent will see others around their age (70+), and thus won't feel out of place
  3. ideally, interesting daytime activities (beyond white people doing yoga lol)
  4. either a festival that allows for re-entry (staying at a hotel) or has VIP accommodations that would be ideal for someone with a bad back who needs to rest in a quiet place in their own bed (RVs/dedicated cabins/etc)
  5. a good mix of jam bands with some electronic music thrown in (preferably progressive house but i suspect most jam band/edm fests will gear towards bass music based solely on the subculture overlap)

my thoughts so far: bonnaroo, peach, gem and jam, desert daze, resonance, sonic bloom, or possibly one of tipper & friends fests--any commentary on these fests appreciated!

date range: spring/summer/fall 2023

thanks in advance! <3 (and thank you to those who offer detailed descriptions of their reasoning)

let's bring another one into the fold, ya'll!

submitted by /u/PyrrhicPyre
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/zn1rqx/what_festival_would_you_recommend_for_a_seasoned/


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