Contribute to psychedelic science: Opportunity to participate in a paid research study on the therapeutic benefits of psychedelic use at raves and music festivals -- More info inside

I am a PhD student conducting a research study into the use of psychedelics with therapeutic intent at raves, music festivals, and nightclubs or at traditional ceremonies/retreats. I previously published a study on the therapeutic use of psychedelics by people with histories of childhood trauma: Using Psychedelics With Therapeutic Intent Is Associated With Lower Shame and Complex Trauma Symptoms in Adults With Histories of Child Maltreatment

I am seeking people who are planning a future psychedelic experience at a rave/music festival/nightclub or a ceremony/retreat with the intention of healing or processing childhood trauma. Participation in the study would involve 3 questionnaires across roughly 3 months (1 month before the psychedelic experience, 48 hours after the experience, and 2 months after the experience). Participants would be compensated a total of $30 for completing the study.

To sign up for the study or for more information about the study, please visit Please also feel free to email with any questions.

The study has been approved by BRANY SBER IRB (study #22-132-1244, protocol #2022-71).
Primary Investigator: CJ Healy, MA; The New School for Social Research
Study title: Psychedelics and Childhood Trauma Study
Study website:

submitted by /u/ChildhoodTraumaStudy
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