Electric Forrest or Bonnaroo?

Okay I'm torn. What is yall's opinion? Should I buy Bonnaroo tickets or wait for Electric forest? My 25th is this year, and I want to go to my 1st camping festival. I'm on the waitlist for Electric Forest currently but would love to go to Bonaroo. I will be probably going solo unless I can convince some friends to tag along (i wouldn't mind going solo). The only thing holding me back is that I bought tickets (forever ago) for Illenium's triple set in Denver, (where I live) and that is on the Saturday of Bonnaroo. Let me know what yall think! I'm conflicted

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submitted by /u/Bdawggg1998
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/10aoj96/electric_forrest_or_bonnaroo/


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