EDCLV 23 shuttle available

Hi everyone! My girlfriend and I booked a private transportation pick up from the Luxor Hotel to EDC Las Vegas. It is a 15 passenger shuttle. Our drivers name is Somalie Inez. Right now we have room for 12 more people. It leaves everyday from the Luxor at 8:30PM and picks us up from EDC at 6:30AM for our return ride back to the hotel. You need to send a $100 deposit to our driver’s zelle Inez_inc@yahoo.com in order to reserve a spot in our shuttle. Once it’s full our entire shuttle will be locked in for the weekend. Please pass this message along to your friends who are also staying at the Luxor so we can have a full shuttle. Our driver has been doing this for a couple years now and has ample experience driving to and from EDC.

submitted by /u/Quick_Result6374
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/110z1nc/edclv_23_shuttle_available/


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