Help: throwing my own micro-festival

I plan to organise a micro-festival for 100 people in a small cacao plantation- it’s in a beautiful spot deep within the hills. Our aim is to gather a warm, intimate community around shared interests: vegan food, acro yoga and flow arts, wild swimming and bouldering. I am from a country where these things aren’t common and we’re hoping to create a small platform for them. We’ll have a couple of indie acts playing chill music all weekend but that won’t be the main focus of the festival.

Have any of you ever attempted, helped with or attended a micro festival this small? Do you have advice or sanity checks for me? This is my passion project so I probably won’t break even and will need to sponsor some of the costs myself; that is not an issue. But I would love to know any advice or experiences you have to share with me. Especially around creating a great community and attracting likeminded festival participants. Thanks!

submitted by /u/DigitalNomadDreamin
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