Seeking advice on body image issues at festivals

I honestly feel so fucking dumb even asking this (hence using my throwaway) and will probably delete this soon because it’s so embarrassing, but I am curious if anyone else deals with this?

One of my favorite things about musical festivals is how free everyone is to express themselves and how they provide a stage for everyday humans to showcase what is beautiful about them. This involves wearing awesome and sexy outfits. This is great - I love being surrounded by beautiful humans who are feeling comfortable enough in their own bodies to be so expressive. I know there is nothing about other people’s creative expression of their bodies that hinders my ability to express myself, in fact it amplifies it.

However, I can’t help but get really self-conscious about my own imperfections. I’m not ugly (I don’t really think anyone is), but I’m far from being one of the hot girls and my taste in clothing is pretty ok. I’ve got a great personality but it doesn’t always shine in large group settings.

In my day to day life, dealing with these insecurities isn’t that big of a problem and I actually feel pretty good about how I look and who I am, but when surrounded by a sea of people while on drugs, I can’t help but compare and get down on myself.

Before y’all say “therapy”, I’m already leveraging that and it’s helping, but I’m just feeling particularly anxious right now because I’m about to be at a week-long festival in a foreign country.

Just curious if anyone else (woman or man) experiences this and if there’s any positive self-talk you give yourself in the moment or tips in general for dealing with this?

submitted by /u/Appropriate-Stay-159
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