Festival anxiety: going alone AND afraid of meeting my ex

Oh boy, I know this is a silly problem but it is really bothering me. I am thinking about going to a festival this summer and, for the moment, none of my friends is interested or is able to join me. At the same time, I KNOW that my ex would love this music and I am worried about seeing them there with their new partner.

Normally I love doing things by myself, I travel alone all the time, I am pretty friendly and easygoing. Unfortunately the anxiety over meeting my ex at the festival is kinda preventing from even buying the tickets. We did not part on good terms and I am worried about how seeing them will affect my experience.

My friends tell me it's very unlikely to happen (the festival is in Europe, in a different country than the one where I am from and the one where they live), and that I am getting ahead of myself too much. That I should just go and enjoy myself. I know they are right, but it would be great to hear from people who have been in a similar situation (even just people in their late 20s/early 30s who had a great time going to festivals by themselves). Any advice or opinion is more than welcome!

submitted by /u/slightlyovercooked13
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source https://www.reddit.com/r/festivals/comments/12islxv/festival_anxiety_going_alone_and_afraid_of/


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