Vibe differences between Lolla and Roo? Requesting a little advice! ✌️

I've really loved Bonnaroo the few times I've been. I'm in my early 30's and loved it more circa 2010 when the crowd had more old hippie types but I don't mind a younger crowd as long as people are generally respectful. I went to a day of Panorama in 2017 and really hated the vibes. It felt like I was the only person who was older than 25. Kids were just puking everywhere and I saw a lot of really fucked up people basically being abandoned with no one stopping to check on them. Really different from the sense of kindness and community I got at Roo.

I'm considering going to Lollapalooza this year because the lineup is really great imo and my fiancé has been wanting to see Chicago. I know it's inherently a different kind of fest being in the city but I was curious about other people's experiences and how it might compare to Roo.

Thanks in advance for any input! 💗

submitted by /u/Sugarbabedc
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